Home / British Columbia
Helping British Columbia students achieve proficiency
About us
Klett World Languages Canada is the Calgary-based Canadian division of the Klett Group. Since its foundation in 1897, the Klett Group has pioneered innovation in the areas of education and culture. With over eighty companies in seventeen countries, it represents one of the leading educational institutions in the world.
As part of the Klett Group, KWL Canada designs coursebooks and media for modern language learners of all ages here in Canada.
Bestselling titles: BC Correlations
At Klett World Languages Canada, we offer high-quality language materials in French, Spanish, German, and Italian, carefully crafted for today’s reality in Canadian classrooms.
We acknowledge the importance of aligning educational resources with provincial standards to seamlessly integrate them into classroom instruction. Below, you’ll find information about our bestselling programs along with a link to download the correlations to the British Columbia curriculum.
Cap Sur
CAP SUR… is a three-level program, designed for children ages 7-11, that teaches French in a simple and appealing way. The series revolves around the adventures of a delightful French family accompanied by Gaston the pigeon, their fun and engaging pet.
Levels A1 to A2.1
French as a Second Language

Reporters Francophones
REPORTERS FRANCOPHONES is an inclusive, innovative, three-level program aimed at teenage students learning French at the introductory level. It follows a communicative approach to learning through projects inspired by real-world scenarios.
Levels A1 to B1.1
French as a Second Language

REPORTEROS is an inclusive, innovative, four-level program aimed at teenage students learning Spanish at the introductory level. It follows a communicative approach to learning through projects inspired by real-world scenarios. The program offers authentic, engaging content that awakens students’ curiosity about the Spanish-speaking world.
Levels A1 to B1.2
Spanish as a Second Language

Meet your representative

Caroline Lee-Daigle
Sales Consultant
West Canada
Caroline has wide-ranging experience teaching both of Canada’s official languages in varying context. She’s worked with young French immersion learners, newly arrived adult immigrants, as well as university students. With a BA in Linguistics and Languages and an MA in Languages, Linguistics and Cultures, she believes that learning language should invite learners to cultivate their curiosity about the interconnectedness of our world and the understanding of our shared experiences.
Contact Caroline at [email protected]