Home / Digital Training Sessions / The KWL Hub Training Sessions
The KWL Hub Training Sessions
New to The KWL Hub? Join at one of the training sessions below to learn how to make the most of The KWL Hub in the classroom.
Home / Digital Training Sessions / The KWL Hub Training Sessions
The KWL Hub Training Sessions
New to The KWL Hub? Join at one of the training sessions below to learn how to make the most of The KWL Hub in the classroom.
Home / Digital Training Sessions
Digital training sessions
Explore the digital training sessions we have developed to help you have the best experience possible with our digital products.
The sessions
Please click on one of the times below to register. You will be directed to the presenter’s Calendly page.
Session #1: Overview of The KWL Hub
Are you a new user of The KWL Hub or need to brush up after a restful summer break? Join us on one of the following dates to learn more about how to use the platform in the classroom or to receive a refresher training on the main features of The KWL Hub!
Audience: All
Dates available:

Session #2: How do I read this online book?
Want to learn more about your online book inside of The KWL Hub? Join us for how-to’s, tips, and tricks for the best online book reading experience.
Audience: All
Dates available:

Session #3: How to create and assign scorable/unscorable assignments
Unsure about the difference between scorable and unscorable assignments? Join us to learn more and get tips on how to take advantage of these tools in your classroom.
Audience: All
Dates available:

Session #4: How to grade scorable/unscorable assignments & The Teacher Dashboard
Want more out of your grading experience? Join us to learn how to fully implement the grading tool in your classroom.
Audience: All
Dates available: