French Readers
Reading is an integral part of developing proficiency in a new language. Our graded readers lend themselves to extensive and intensive reading with engaging topics that take students of all ages and levels on an instructional adventure. Our titles are built around carefully graded French and are accompanied by activities that help students develop confidence in French.
Our bestselling titles
Une journée, une aventure (24 heures)
UNE JOURNÉE, UNE AVENTURE is an adventure series which introduces students to various Francophone cultures through fast-paced stories. It also supports students through fun activities, a visual dictionary, and a multilingual glossary.
Manon is a young Parisian who is studying at a prestigious academy for elite athletes. Full of promise, the talented young athlete sees her life turned upside down by an accident during training. She then discovers the evil intentions of Troussard, the academy's director. Immerse yourself in the heart of a gripping adventure!
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