Défi actuel

Défi actuel

The new edition of our comprehensive, task-based approach to French for adult learners!

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DÉFI ACTUEL is the new edition of our innovative French program—original, motivating, and user-friendly. Built on an action-oriented approach, it sparks curiosity and immerses learners in the rich cultural context of language.

Designed for older teenagers and adults, DÉFI ACTUEL spans levels A1 to C1, offering a comprehensive journey into French.


  • A new edition of DÉFI, the textbook series that has already won over thousands of teachers and learners around the world, resulting from taking into account all the feedback collected in recent years through extensive surveys and numerous roundtable discussions.
  • Cultural and sociocultural elements serving language acquisition.
  • Structured units for ease of use, with content that also allows great flexibility in adaptation.
  • Activities grounded in real-life situations, aligned with learners’ levels and the expectations of the CEFR.
  • Controlled lexical input, with constant review and consolidation via a dedicated page in each unit.
  • Grammar always approached inductively, reinforced by numerous specific activities to work on assimilation and systematization
  • Phonetics work directly integrated into the didactic sequence
  • Preparation for the DELF exams with activities and a model exam at the end of the book
  • Digital itineraries accessible with one click from the digital version: proposals for complementary resources to integrate into the teaching sequence (reading texts and educational videos)
  • An AI Usage Guide: suggestions for integrating Artificial Intelligence into course preparation as well as in the classroom with your learner.
  • A new edition of DÉFI, the textbook series that has already won over thousands of teachers and learners around the world, resulting from taking into account all the feedback collected in recent years through extensive surveys and numerous roundtable discussions.
  • Cultural and sociocultural elements serving language acquisition.
  • Structured units for ease of use, with content that also allows great flexibility in adaptation.
  • Activities grounded in real-life situations, aligned with learners’ levels and the expectations of the CEFR.
  • Controlled lexical input, with constant review and consolidation via a dedicated page in each unit.
  • Grammar always approached inductively, reinforced by numerous specific activities to work on assimilation and systematization
  • Phonetics work directly integrated into the didactic sequence
  • Preparation for the DELF exams with activities and a model exam at the end of the book
  • Digital itineraries accessible with one click from the digital version: proposals for complementary resources to integrate into the teaching sequence (reading texts and educational videos)
  • An AI Usage Guide: suggestions for integrating Artificial Intelligence into course preparation as well as in the classroom with your learner.

DÉFI ACTUEL components

Bundle Edition


Teacher's Manual

Digital Edition

Go through the levels and samples

Défi actuel 1

Available in May 2025!

Défi actuel 2

Available in May 2025!

Défi actuel 3

Available in Fall 2025!

Défi actuel 4

Available in 2026!

Connect with your World Language Sales Consultant for more information

West Canada

Manitoba, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon

East Canada

Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador 

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