Cap sur...

Cap sur...

A three-volume program for children that teaches French in a fun and simple way!

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37.95 CAD 39.95 CAD
56.95 CAD 59.95 CAD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

47.45 CAD 49.95 CAD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

80.70 CAD 84.95 CAD
Cap sur... 1: Teacher's Guide

ISBN: 9788417260798

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

52.20 CAD 54.95 CAD
Cap sur... 1: Workbook

ISBN: 9788417260781

19.95 CAD
66.45 CAD 69.95 CAD
Cap sur... 1: Student Textbook

ISBN: 9788417260774

42.70 CAD 44.95 CAD
37.95 CAD 39.95 CAD
56.95 CAD 59.95 CAD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

47.45 CAD 49.95 CAD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

80.70 CAD 84.95 CAD


CAP SUR... is a three-level program, designed for children ages 7-11, that teaches French in a simple and appealing way. The series revolves around the adventures of a delightful French family accompanied by Gaston the pigeon, their fun and engaging pet.

What our users say

Cet automne, j'ai découvert la nouvelle collection de méthode de français de Klett World Languages. De toutes les méthodes de tous les éditeurs que j'ai regardées durant mes recherches, je n'ai rien vu d'aussi cohérent, beau et robuste que la collection Cap Sur... pour les apprenants de 7 à 11 ans. Les trois livres suivent le parcours d'une famille métisse à travers la Francophonie. On commence tout doucement en posant un vocabulaire de base du quotidien avec le premier livre. Mes élèves de 8 à 10 ans adorent les illustrations, les activités d'écoute, et surtout les personnages que nous suivons. Mais au-delà du génie du concept de la série, ce qui m'aide le plus en tant qu'enseignante est la plateforme numérique et les guides pédagogiques. Pour les activités de compréhension orale, je peux projeter facilement la bonne page du livre, cliquer directement sur un bouton pour accéder au fichier audio et le ralentir au besoin. Plus besoin de sauter entre les fenêtres pour ouvrir un logiciel de musique pour jouer un CD ou des fichiers MP3. De plus, il y a des dizaines de pages de ressources en ligne, comme des jeux, des bricolages, des cartes images, de chansons karaoké et des vidéos. Je n'ai pas à bâtir de toutes pièces un programme en cherchant sur Internet pendant des heures-- tout, absolument tout ce qu'il me faut pour des cours rigoureux et ludiques est compris avec l'achat des livres. Je ne dois pas oublier le cahier d'apprentissage qui comprend des activités de renforcement... avec des autocollants !

Et en plus, l'équipe de Klett est formidable. Leurs services techniques et à la clientèle sont excellents.

Carolyn Johnson, Innova Academy (ON)

Why CAP SUR...?

  • The entertaining and original concept is perfect for children.
  • It offers a progressive approach, simple and illustrated instructions, and a variety of learning tools (illustrated mind maps, visual grammar guides, and so on).
  • The collection challenges learners to be creative.
  • The collection has an open, global perspective and a broad cultural and intercultural focus. 
  • Offers an overview of different Francophone countries and regions: France, Canada, Guadeloupe, Senegal, Vietnam, New Caledonia and Belgium.
  • The core of this 3-level series revolves around the adventures of a delightful French family who is accompanied by Gaston the pigeon, a playful and engaging mascot. 
  • Its playful side is fully integrated in the student book: authentic videos, songs composed specially for the textbook, games, creative culminating tasks involving crafts, and more... 
  • Colorful artwork and attractive illustrations inspired by children's literature spark children's imaginations as they learn. 
  • A Teacher’s Guide that saves time in class preparation and implement ways for effective differentiation in instruction and assessment.

Why CAP SUR...?

  • The entertaining and original concept is perfect for children.
  • It offers a progressive approach, simple and illustrated instructions, and a variety of learning tools (illustrated mind maps, visual grammar guides, and so on).
  • The collection challenges learners to be creative.
  • The collection has an open, global perspective and a broad cultural and intercultural focus. 
  • Offers an overview of different Francophone countries and regions: France, Canada, Guadeloupe, Senegal, Vietnam, New Caledonia and Belgium.
  • The core of this 3-level series revolves around the adventures of a delightful French family who is accompanied by Gaston the pigeon, a playful and engaging mascot. 
  • Its playful side is fully integrated in the student book: authentic videos, songs composed specially for the textbook, games, creative culminating tasks involving crafts, and more... 
  • Colorful artwork and attractive illustrations inspired by children's literature spark children's imaginations as they learn. 
  • A Teacher’s Guide that saves time in class preparation and implement ways for effective differentiation in instruction and assessment.

CAP SUR components

Bundle Edition


Teacher's Guide

Digital Edition

Workbook spotlight: building proficiency

The Workbook contains an abundance of activities to practice and expand the grammar and the vocabulary presented in the Student Edition

  • A fun tool for working and enjoying the process
  • Strengthening of writing skills
  • Structured exercises for systematic learning
  • Opportunity for self-assessment
  • Pages covering various disciplines
  • Completion of mind maps
  • Preparation for the DELF Prim exam

Teacher’s Guide

The Teacher’s Guide contains an abundance of annotations created to complement various teaching contexts and styles, save time in class preparation, and implement ways for effective differentiation in instruction and assessment

It also includes answer keys, ideas and recommendations on how to extend the activities further, and much more.

Our digital environment

BlinkLearning is a platform offering digital content and resources for students and teachers who work with CAP SUR.... It is designed with a clear purpose in mind: to improve teaching and learning experiences in K-12 environments with engaging content and helpful, user-friendly tools. 

The platform offers easy access to a vast array of material in different formats to help students better grasp and practice contents, build their skills, develop cultural insights, and meet learning objectives. BlinkLearning is easy, flexible and intuitive for all users.

Technology that is affordable,
intuitive, mobile, and accessible to all!

Students can find:

  • An interactive version of the Student Edition
  • An interactive version of the Workbook
  • An enriched eText version of the Student Edition
  • An enriched eText version of the Workbook
  • Videos 
  • Audio files with scripts
  • French-English and English-French Glossaries
  • Cut-outs
  • …and more!

Teachers can find:

  • An interactive version of the Student Edition
  • An interactive version of the Workbook
  • An enriched eText version of the Student Edition
  • An enriched eText version of the Workbook
  • An eText version of the Teacher’s Edition
  • Videos 
  • Audio files with scripts
  • Assessment rubrics
  • An LMS with gradebook, messaging system, homework assignment tool and analytics data to evaluate student performance
  • …and more!


Amandine Demarteau

French teacher and teacher trainer

Fanny Piat

French teacher and teacher trainer

Adélaïde Tilly

French teacher and teacher trainer

Connect with your World Language Sales Consultant for more information

West Canada

Manitoba, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon

East Canada

Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador 

Please note that there are no online resources for this product.

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