German Readers
Reading is an integral part of developing proficiency in a new language. Our graded readers lend themselves to extensive and intensive reading with engaging topics that take students of all ages and levels on an instructional adventure. Our titles are built around carefully graded German and are accompanied by activities that help students develop confidence in German.
Our bestselling titles
leicht & klasse
Perfectly tailored to the textbook KLASSE!, the readings in the LEICHT & KLASSE series offer entertaining stories with friends Kim, Marie, Henri, and Lukas!
Tatort DaF
An exploration of diverse landscapes across Germany, Austria, and Switzerland through a literary adventure!
Connect with your World Language Sales Consultant for more information
West Canada
Manitoba, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon

East Canada
Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador